Sellers Exoplanet Environments Collaboration
Welcome to the EMAC Open-Source CKAN Data Repository
This instance of the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network (CKAN) data portal software provides a resource to the exoplanet modeling and analysis community for hosting data sets related to exoplanet modeling and analysis. These datasets can either be input data (i.e. opacity tables, stellar flux models, etc) or output data (output grids or data sets from exoplanet modeling/analysis software). All data is hosted on the NASA Goddard Private Cloud (GPC). The data portal is a service of the GSFC Exoplanet Modeling and Analysis Center (EMAC). EMAC serves as a catalog, repository and integration platform for modeling and analysis resources focused on the study of exoplanet characteristics and environments. EMAC is a key project of the GSFC Sellers Exoplanet Environments Collaboration (SEEC).
If you make use of tools or data sets linked or hosted on EMAC, please use the following statement in your publication acknowledgements: “This research made use of the NASA Exoplanet Modeling and Analysis Center (EMAC), which is funded by the NASA Planetary Science Division’s Internal Scientist Funding Model.”