THAI Benchmark 2 using Isca.
OLR clear: soc_olr
OLR cloudy: N.A.
ASR clear: soc_toa_sw
ASR cloudy: N.A.
Surface temperature map [K]: t_surf
Downward total SW flux at the surface: soc_surf_flux_sw_down
Net LW flux at the surface: soc_surf_flux_lw
Open ocean fraction: N.A.
Total cloud liquid water path [unit]: N.A.
Total cloud ice water path [unit]: N.A.
Total vapor column [unit]: N.A.
Atmospheric temperature [K]: temp
U wind speed [m/s]: ucomp
V wind speed [m/s]: vcomp
W wind speed [Pa/s]: omega
3D Heating rates SW [K/s] : N.A.
3D Heating rates LW [K/s]: N.A.
3D Specific humidity [unit]: sphum
3D relative humidity [%]: N.A.
Total CF [%]: N.A.
Liquid CF [%]: N.A.
Ice CF [%]: N.A.
Total cloud MMR [kg/kg]: N.A.
Liquid cloud MMR [kg/kg]: N.A.
Ice cloud MMR [kg/kg]: N.A.
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Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | December 17, 2020 |
Metadata last updated | December 17, 2020 |
Created | December 17, 2020 |
Format | application/x-netcdf |
License | Creative Commons Attribution |
Datastore active | False |
Has views | False |
Id | 75b0125a-52db-4863-937f-076738dacc61 |
Mimetype | application/x-netcdf |
Package id | 6616511b-43c2-4469-b498-9b71dacaae70 |
Position | 1 |
State | active |