
URL: https://ckan-files.emac.gsfc.nasa.gov/thai/Hab2_LMDG_81-100orbits.nc


OLR clear: OLR

OLR cloudy: OLRcs

ASR clear: ASR

ASR cloudy: ASRcs

Surface temperature map [K]: tsurf

Downward total SW flux at the surface: fluxsurfsw

Net LW flux at the surface: netfluxsurflw

Open ocean fraction: h2o_ice_surf/1000 to get the sea ice fraction, 1- h2o_ice_surf/1000 for the open ocean fraction)

Total cloud liquid water path [unit]: h2o_ice_col (using a temperature threshold)

Total cloud ice water path [unit]: h2o_ice_col (using a temperature threshold)

Total vapor column [unit]: h2o_vap_col

Atmospheric temperature [K]: temp

U wind speed [m/s]: u

V wind speed [m/s]: v

W wind speed [m/s]: w

3D Heating rates SW [K/s] : zdtsw

3D Heating rates LW [K/s]: zdtlw

3D Specific humidity [kg/kg]: h2o_vap

3D relative humidity [%]: RH

Total CF [%]: CLFt

Liquid CF [%]: CLF (using a temperature threshold per altitude level)

Ice CF [%]: CLF (using a temperature threshold per altitude level)

Total cloud MMR [kg/kg]: h2o_ice

Liquid cloud MMR [kg/kg]: h2o_ice (using a temperature threshold)

Ice cloud MMR [kg/kg]: h2o_ice (using a temperature threshold)

Effective radius of cloud particle [um]: H2Oice_reff (depending on temperature)

Temperature threshold: if T> 273K, h2o_ice is liquid. If T<258K h2o_ice is ice. If <258K<T<273K, linear interpolation from 100% ice, 0 % liquid at 258K and 1% ice, 100 % liquid at 273K.

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Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated August 11, 2020
Metadata last updated August 11, 2020
Created August 11, 2020
Format application/x-netcdf
License Creative Commons Attribution
createdover 4 years ago
package idc962240a-99d4-467d-9e54-9e7dd28f9d10
revision id2ef4a407-89d1-4442-a704-663b8567f8ce